Aran Nebula STEM Leadership Cohort #1

Ganiyat Oloyede

Ganiyat an Associate professor of Organic Chemistry at the University Of Ibadan Nigeria and is the originator of GKO Career in STEMM and Women Empowerment Initiative.

The STEMM and Women Empowerment Initiative’s mission is to improve access to education, training and professional development opportunities for girls and women by making STEMM interesting and accessible. They achieve this through sensitization talks, film shows, hands on experiments, organizing seminars, conferences, training programmes, skill acquisition, empowerment programmes, festivals and tourism to scientific sites, manufacturing outlets or Industries and science outreach, that will be a source of inspiration to students especially the girl child in choosing career in STEMM. They also create awareness to government at the local and national level to increase funding for STEMM education for the female gender.

Connect with Ganiyat on LinkedIn, Instagram, or Twitter.